Shh! Be Quiet 《嘘!别出声》


Let’s learn our first numbers with these sneaky little mice! In this Little Treasure book, repetition and a simple story line encourages children to engage with and learn to count in Chinese. Following some little mice, children will enjoy reading along and finding out what happens in the end. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

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Let’s learn our first numbers with these sneaky little mice! In this Little Treasure book, repetition and a simple story line encourages children to engage with and learn to count in Chinese. Following some little mice, children will enjoy reading along and finding out what happens in the end. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

Let’s learn our first numbers with these sneaky little mice! In this Little Treasure book, repetition and a simple story line encourages children to engage with and learn to count in Chinese. Following some little mice, children will enjoy reading along and finding out what happens in the end. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 190 x 190 x 10mm

  • Pages: 34

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