A Bad Day 《今天心情糟透了》


Let’s learn about bad moods and how to manage our emotions! In this Little Treasure book, a simple story line with lots of onomatopoeia and expressive illustrations. Use this book to talk about tantrums, bad mood and then how to manage them effectively. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

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Let’s learn about bad moods and how to manage our emotions! In this Little Treasure book, a simple story line with lots of onomatopoeia and expressive illustrations. Use this book to talk about tantrums, bad mood and then how to manage them effectively. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

Let’s learn about bad moods and how to manage our emotions! In this Little Treasure book, a simple story line with lots of onomatopoeia and expressive illustrations. Use this book to talk about tantrums, bad mood and then how to manage them effectively. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 190 x 190x 10 mm

  • Pages: 28

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