When It Rains 《下雨啦》


Crash! A storm has rolled in and the rain is pouring down. Little chicks and puppies who were out to play in the sunshine, must scurry inside to keep safe and warm. This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about the weather, animals and home.

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Crash! A storm has rolled in and the rain is pouring down. Little chicks and puppies who were out to play in the sunshine, must scurry inside to keep safe and warm. This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about the weather, animals and home.

Crash! A storm has rolled in and the rain is pouring down. Little chicks and puppies who were out to play in the sunshine, must scurry inside to keep safe and warm. This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about the weather, animals and home.


  • Author and Illustrator: Zhong Zhao Hui

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Pinyin: Yes

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 185 x 185 x 7 mm

  • Pages: 34

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