Wake Up, Little Piggy 《怎么叫醒胖小猪》


Let’s learn sound objects and their onomatopoiec sounds! In this Little Treasure book, we have a single problem: how do we wake up the piggy who is sound asleep? Each animal tries their luck with a different sound object, but nothing seems to work! Until… This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

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Let’s learn sound objects and their onomatopoiec sounds! In this Little Treasure book, we have a single problem: how do we wake up the piggy who is sound asleep? Each animal tries their luck with a different sound object, but nothing seems to work! Until… This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

Let’s learn sound objects and their onomatopoiec sounds! In this Little Treasure book, we have a single problem: how do we wake up the piggy who is sound asleep? Each animal tries their luck with a different sound object, but nothing seems to work! Until… This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 190 x 190 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 28

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