Guo Guo's Graded Learning 《真果果我会读:妈妈,我能读一整本书了! 全8册》


Learn 1000 Chinese characters step-by-step with short but sweet stories for young children! This set is perfect for non-fluent Chinese speakers, especially with Pinyin above each character! Use the flashcards at the end of each story to consolidate and remind yourself of new vocabulary, too. Let’s follow these cute illustrated characters and learn words that can be used in our daily routines and everyday lives!

Luka the Reading Robot can help you read these books, too. Find out more about the Global Luka here.

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Learn 1000 Chinese characters step-by-step with short but sweet stories for young children! This set is perfect for non-fluent Chinese speakers, especially with Pinyin above each character! Use the flashcards at the end of each story to consolidate and remind yourself of new vocabulary, too. Let’s follow these cute illustrated characters and learn words that can be used in our daily routines and everyday lives!

Luka the Reading Robot can help you read these books, too. Find out more about the Global Luka here.

Learn 1000 Chinese characters step-by-step with short but sweet stories for young children! This set is perfect for non-fluent Chinese speakers, especially with Pinyin above each character! Use the flashcards at the end of each story to consolidate and remind yourself of new vocabulary, too. Let’s follow these cute illustrated characters and learn words that can be used in our daily routines and everyday lives!

Luka the Reading Robot can help you read these books, too. Find out more about the Global Luka here.


  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: Yes

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Paperback

  • Size: 242 x 172 x 5 mm (per book)

  • Pages: approx. 62 per book

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