Cars Love Rain 《汽车汽车爱玩水》


Let’s learn all about cars as they dance and play in the rain! In this Little Treasure book, all our favourite vehicles have come out to play. With repeating sentence structures and bright illustrations, use this book to encourage a car-lover to read along. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

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Let’s learn all about cars as they dance and play in the rain! In this Little Treasure book, all our favourite vehicles have come out to play. With repeating sentence structures and bright illustrations, use this book to encourage a car-lover to read along. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

Let’s learn all about cars as they dance and play in the rain! In this Little Treasure book, all our favourite vehicles have come out to play. With repeating sentence structures and bright illustrations, use this book to encourage a car-lover to read along. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 190 x 190 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 32

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