I Love Mummy! 《好喜欢妈妈!》


“Mummy, Mummy!” A little voice cries out. Who might it be? Could it be little penguin, pattering its way to Mummy’s snug embrace? Could it be baby cub, bounding its way to Mummy’s secure jaws? Or is it you? This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about animals and their babies, and help them practise saying “Mum” and “I like …” in Chinese.

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“Mummy, Mummy!” A little voice cries out. Who might it be? Could it be little penguin, pattering its way to Mummy’s snug embrace? Could it be baby cub, bounding its way to Mummy’s secure jaws? Or is it you? This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about animals and their babies, and help them practise saying “Mum” and “I like …” in Chinese.

“Mummy, Mummy!” A little voice cries out. Who might it be? Could it be little penguin, pattering its way to Mummy’s snug embrace? Could it be baby cub, bounding its way to Mummy’s secure jaws? Or is it you? This Little Treasure Book helps children learn about animals and their babies, and help them practise saying “Mum” and “I like …” in Chinese.


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Pinyin: Yes

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 185 x 185 x 7 mm

  • Pages: 34

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