Big Tooth and Little Tooth 《大牙恐龙和小牙恐龙》


Let’s learn about good dental hygiene habits! In this Little Treasure book, two dinosaurs called Big Tooth and Little Tooth are about to find out whose teeth are stronger and healthier. With repeating sentence structures, this encourages young children to read along while also finding out how to look after their teeth. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

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Let’s learn about good dental hygiene habits! In this Little Treasure book, two dinosaurs called Big Tooth and Little Tooth are about to find out whose teeth are stronger and healthier. With repeating sentence structures, this encourages young children to read along while also finding out how to look after their teeth. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!

Let’s learn about good dental hygiene habits! In this Little Treasure book, two dinosaurs called Big Tooth and Little Tooth are about to find out whose teeth are stronger and healthier. With repeating sentence structures, this encourages young children to read along while also finding out how to look after their teeth. This easy read is perfect for early years. Discover more Little Treasure Books for the best start to your Chinese learning journey!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 190 x 190 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 26

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