It's All Fart Gas! 《都是放屁惹的祸》


The animals of the world have a big problem on their hands: why is it getting so hot? why is there no more rain? They send the clever dolphins to investigate and guess what they discover? It's the cows causing all the trouble with their stinky farts and burps! They’ll use all their problem-solving skills, creativity, and teamwork to stop the planet from overheating. Join them on their mission to save the day — and the world!

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The animals of the world have a big problem on their hands: why is it getting so hot? why is there no more rain? They send the clever dolphins to investigate and guess what they discover? It's the cows causing all the trouble with their stinky farts and burps! They’ll use all their problem-solving skills, creativity, and teamwork to stop the planet from overheating. Join them on their mission to save the day — and the world!

The animals of the world have a big problem on their hands: why is it getting so hot? why is there no more rain? They send the clever dolphins to investigate and guess what they discover? It's the cows causing all the trouble with their stinky farts and burps! They’ll use all their problem-solving skills, creativity, and teamwork to stop the planet from overheating. Join them on their mission to save the day — and the world!


  • Author: Sandrine Dumas-Roy

  • Illustrator: Emmanuelle Houssais

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 260 x 260 x 9 mm

  • Pages: 36

Book Of Games Series (Set of 5) 《杜莱百变创意玩具书系列 - 1套5册》
I Love It When Dad... 《有些时候,我特别喜欢爸爸》
Les Petites Poules Series (Set of 15)《不一样的卡梅拉 注音版 全15册》
The Boring Book 《好无聊啊,好无聊》
Little Boy 《你永远永远永远是爸爸的小宝贝》