Little Boy 《你永远永远永远是爸爸的小宝贝》


The simple playthings, the everyday moments, picking up that hundredth rock -- all of these are brimming with possibility...if you slow down and let the future begin with the small moments of today. Because everything depends on letting a little a little boy. This is a little love letter from a doting father to his son! Full of joy and love, a dash of humour and easy to read, this book is bound to warm your heart.

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The simple playthings, the everyday moments, picking up that hundredth rock -- all of these are brimming with possibility...if you slow down and let the future begin with the small moments of today. Because everything depends on letting a little a little boy. This is a little love letter from a doting father to his son! Full of joy and love, a dash of humour and easy to read, this book is bound to warm your heart.

The simple playthings, the everyday moments, picking up that hundredth rock -- all of these are brimming with possibility...if you slow down and let the future begin with the small moments of today. Because everything depends on letting a little a little boy. This is a little love letter from a doting father to his son! Full of joy and love, a dash of humour and easy to read, this book is bound to warm your heart.


  • Author: Alison McGhee

  • Illustrator: Peter H. Reynolds

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Hardback

  • Pages: 38

  • Size: 244 x 243 x 8 mm

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