Les Petites Poules Series (Set of 15)《不一样的卡梅拉 注音版 全15册》


With full Pinyin to help readers of all levels, follow the adventures of a brave little chicken on a life of discovery! Children can laugh and play along with Carmela, Carmen, Carmelito and many others while they journey to the sea, spend time with friends and discover new things. Lively drawings created with vigour and an attention to detail make this an engaging and entertaining read for children!

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With full Pinyin to help readers of all levels, follow the adventures of a brave little chicken on a life of discovery! Children can laugh and play along with Carmela, Carmen, Carmelito and many others while they journey to the sea, spend time with friends and discover new things. Lively drawings created with vigour and an attention to detail make this an engaging and entertaining read for children!

With full Pinyin to help readers of all levels, follow the adventures of a brave little chicken on a life of discovery! Children can laugh and play along with Carmela, Carmen, Carmelito and many others while they journey to the sea, spend time with friends and discover new things. Lively drawings created with vigour and an attention to detail make this an engaging and entertaining read for children!


  • Original Author: Christian Jolibois

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: Yes

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Paperback

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