So This Is A Year! Series (Set of 12)《原来这就是二十四节气 - 1套12册》


Every year is full of wonderful and exciting events and solar terms! Solar terms break up the year into 24 distinct periods - each with its own meanings and celebrations. But with so many solar terms, it can be hard to keep track of them all. This series of booklets takes you through the year and each of the solar terms’ special features and festivals month by month with a sweet pair of siblings. Each book asks you to record the temperatures and dates for the solar term and they give you quick looks at activities you may do, information about festivals, animals and plants you can observe and food you might eat! So much to discover in a single year!

  • Author: 徐煜楠 (Xu Yu Nan)

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global version (not EU ver.)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 12421178

  • Size: 225 x 170 x 25mm (whole set)

  • Pages: ~14 pages (per booklet)

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Every year is full of wonderful and exciting events and solar terms! Solar terms break up the year into 24 distinct periods - each with its own meanings and celebrations. But with so many solar terms, it can be hard to keep track of them all. This series of booklets takes you through the year and each of the solar terms’ special features and festivals month by month with a sweet pair of siblings. Each book asks you to record the temperatures and dates for the solar term and they give you quick looks at activities you may do, information about festivals, animals and plants you can observe and food you might eat! So much to discover in a single year!

  • Author: 徐煜楠 (Xu Yu Nan)

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global version (not EU ver.)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 12421178

  • Size: 225 x 170 x 25mm (whole set)

  • Pages: ~14 pages (per booklet)

Every year is full of wonderful and exciting events and solar terms! Solar terms break up the year into 24 distinct periods - each with its own meanings and celebrations. But with so many solar terms, it can be hard to keep track of them all. This series of booklets takes you through the year and each of the solar terms’ special features and festivals month by month with a sweet pair of siblings. Each book asks you to record the temperatures and dates for the solar term and they give you quick looks at activities you may do, information about festivals, animals and plants you can observe and food you might eat! So much to discover in a single year!

  • Author: 徐煜楠 (Xu Yu Nan)

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global version (not EU ver.)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 12421178

  • Size: 225 x 170 x 25mm (whole set)

  • Pages: ~14 pages (per booklet)

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