Sam And His Dad 《和爸爸一起真好》


Wherever Sam is, there’s chaos! Little, naughty, mischievous Sam is here and you better keep an eye on him! Sam loves his mum and dad very much, so he really enjoys spending the day with him. Sometimes he’s a naughty monkey hopping across the zebra crossing with Dad, and sometimes he’s climbing over Dad when he’s drawing for home. Sometimes he’s climbing trees, and other times he’s cruising along on Dad’s shoulders! Let’s read about Sam’s mum and dad!

  • Author: Serge Bloch

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 30/05/2021)

  • ISBN: 9787530491300

  • Size: 254 x 221 x 9 mm

  • Pages: 40

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Wherever Sam is, there’s chaos! Little, naughty, mischievous Sam is here and you better keep an eye on him! Sam loves his mum and dad very much, so he really enjoys spending the day with him. Sometimes he’s a naughty monkey hopping across the zebra crossing with Dad, and sometimes he’s climbing over Dad when he’s drawing for home. Sometimes he’s climbing trees, and other times he’s cruising along on Dad’s shoulders! Let’s read about Sam’s mum and dad!

  • Author: Serge Bloch

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 30/05/2021)

  • ISBN: 9787530491300

  • Size: 254 x 221 x 9 mm

  • Pages: 40

Wherever Sam is, there’s chaos! Little, naughty, mischievous Sam is here and you better keep an eye on him! Sam loves his mum and dad very much, so he really enjoys spending the day with him. Sometimes he’s a naughty monkey hopping across the zebra crossing with Dad, and sometimes he’s climbing over Dad when he’s drawing for home. Sometimes he’s climbing trees, and other times he’s cruising along on Dad’s shoulders! Let’s read about Sam’s mum and dad!

  • Author: Serge Bloch

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 30/05/2021)

  • ISBN: 9787530491300

  • Size: 254 x 221 x 9 mm

  • Pages: 40

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