The Children Who Loved Books《爱书的孩子》


Written and illustrated with wit and humour, this book is all about loving books! What do you do when there are too many books you can’t even walk through your house? Read with us to find out! May your love for reading follow you wherever you go: from your home collection to the library! A simple story with short sentences to help young children learn to read.

  • Author: Peter Carnavas

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Luka Compatibility: Global

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787534277627

  • Pages: 34

  • Size: 247 x 247 x 10mm

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Written and illustrated with wit and humour, this book is all about loving books! What do you do when there are too many books you can’t even walk through your house? Read with us to find out! May your love for reading follow you wherever you go: from your home collection to the library! A simple story with short sentences to help young children learn to read.

  • Author: Peter Carnavas

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Luka Compatibility: Global

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787534277627

  • Pages: 34

  • Size: 247 x 247 x 10mm

Written and illustrated with wit and humour, this book is all about loving books! What do you do when there are too many books you can’t even walk through your house? Read with us to find out! May your love for reading follow you wherever you go: from your home collection to the library! A simple story with short sentences to help young children learn to read.

  • Author: Peter Carnavas

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Luka Compatibility: Global

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787534277627

  • Pages: 34

  • Size: 247 x 247 x 10mm

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