Rory The Dinosaur: Wants A Pet 《罗力小恐龙 - 我想要一个宠物嘛》


One day, Rory the Dinosaur meets his friend’s pet crab and he decides that he also wants a pet, too! But what kind of pet would be the best match for our beloved little dinosaur? So, in the search for the perfect pet, Rory looks high and low, from the very top of the tree tops to the bottom of the sand pits… By the end of the day, he still doesn’t have a pet and he’s feeling a bit disheartened. But don’t lose heart, Rory! You’ll find a new friend, for sure!

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One day, Rory the Dinosaur meets his friend’s pet crab and he decides that he also wants a pet, too! But what kind of pet would be the best match for our beloved little dinosaur? So, in the search for the perfect pet, Rory looks high and low, from the very top of the tree tops to the bottom of the sand pits… By the end of the day, he still doesn’t have a pet and he’s feeling a bit disheartened. But don’t lose heart, Rory! You’ll find a new friend, for sure!

One day, Rory the Dinosaur meets his friend’s pet crab and he decides that he also wants a pet, too! But what kind of pet would be the best match for our beloved little dinosaur? So, in the search for the perfect pet, Rory looks high and low, from the very top of the tree tops to the bottom of the sand pits… By the end of the day, he still doesn’t have a pet and he’s feeling a bit disheartened. But don’t lose heart, Rory! You’ll find a new friend, for sure!


  • Author: Liz Clomo

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 29/05/2021)

  • ISBN: 9787556063406

  • Size: 222 x 222 x 8 mm

  • Pages: 32

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