Rory The Dinosaur: Needs A Christmas Tree 《罗力小恐龙 - 神秘的圣诞礼物》


Rory is all geared up and ready for the Christmas season and he’s definitely doing all he can to get into the Christmas spirit! So even when Rory and his dad do everything they can do decorate their island home in all the festive lights and ornaments, he doesn’t feel satisfied… Join Rory in this spirited story that looks at the true meaning of Christmas holidays: spending time with family and friends!

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Rory is all geared up and ready for the Christmas season and he’s definitely doing all he can to get into the Christmas spirit! So even when Rory and his dad do everything they can do decorate their island home in all the festive lights and ornaments, he doesn’t feel satisfied… Join Rory in this spirited story that looks at the true meaning of Christmas holidays: spending time with family and friends!

Rory is all geared up and ready for the Christmas season and he’s definitely doing all he can to get into the Christmas spirit! So even when Rory and his dad do everything they can do decorate their island home in all the festive lights and ornaments, he doesn’t feel satisfied… Join Rory in this spirited story that looks at the true meaning of Christmas holidays: spending time with family and friends!


  • Author: Liz Climo

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 06/07/2021)

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 222 x 222 x 8 mm

  • Pages: 32

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