National Geographic: Explore My World Series (Set of 8)《美国国家地理探索版 - 1套8册》


The world we live in is absolutely stunning and if you take the time to learn and understand the workings of the natural world, your appreciation of it only grows! With beautiful photographs and clear, large font, this bilingual National Geographic series is a perfect way to let children learn about nature and animals.

  • Language: Simplified Chinese + English (bilingual, side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Luka

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 7534201176081

  • Size: 203 x 203 x 32mm

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The world we live in is absolutely stunning and if you take the time to learn and understand the workings of the natural world, your appreciation of it only grows! With beautiful photographs and clear, large font, this bilingual National Geographic series is a perfect way to let children learn about nature and animals.

  • Language: Simplified Chinese + English (bilingual, side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Luka

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 7534201176081

  • Size: 203 x 203 x 32mm

The world we live in is absolutely stunning and if you take the time to learn and understand the workings of the natural world, your appreciation of it only grows! With beautiful photographs and clear, large font, this bilingual National Geographic series is a perfect way to let children learn about nature and animals.

  • Language: Simplified Chinese + English (bilingual, side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Luka

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 7534201176081

  • Size: 203 x 203 x 32mm

Book Descriptions

  1. Tigers《老虎》: What’s the life of a tiger like? How are they so special? Let’s find out!

  2. Clouds《云朵》: Clouds are very special things! How can you predict the weather with a cloud and what’re clouds made of?

  3. A Tree Grows Up《树的成长》: Trees are mighty and strong but they didn’t start that way. Let’s see how a tiny acorn grows into a huge oak!

  4. Night Time《夜晚》: Time to go to bed (for most of us)! What do all the animals do at night-time?

  5. Baby Animals《动物宝宝》: Baby animals are simply adorable. How do animals live with their parents and grow up?

  6. Butterflies《蝴蝶》: Fluttering by is a beautiful butterfly! Have you ever wondered where they came from?

  7. Frogs《青蛙》: Ribbit! There’s so much to learn about all the different frogs and the way the live in different climates.

  8. Space《太空》: If you look up, the sky is an endless vast space and there’s so many planets and stars and meteors to discover!

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