An Apple For Harriet Tubman 《自由的苹果》


Like other enslaved African American children, young Harriet Tubman had to work hard. In her master’s orchard, she spent long hours picking the juicy apples she was forbidden to eat. Harriet vowed to one day be free and to grow apple trees of her own. When she was grown, she made her escape to the North. Then, repeatedly risking her life, she returned to lead many other African Americans to freedom.

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Like other enslaved African American children, young Harriet Tubman had to work hard. In her master’s orchard, she spent long hours picking the juicy apples she was forbidden to eat. Harriet vowed to one day be free and to grow apple trees of her own. When she was grown, she made her escape to the North. Then, repeatedly risking her life, she returned to lead many other African Americans to freedom.

Like other enslaved African American children, young Harriet Tubman had to work hard. In her master’s orchard, she spent long hours picking the juicy apples she was forbidden to eat. Harriet vowed to one day be free and to grow apple trees of her own. When she was grown, she made her escape to the North. Then, repeatedly risking her life, she returned to lead many other African Americans to freedom.


  • Author: Glennette Tilley Turner

  • Illustrator: Susan Keeter

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only (last checked 05/10/2021)

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 260 x 220 x 8 mm

  • Pages: 24

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