Dad's Busy Days 《我的超级爸爸》


‎Alice and Theo's dad is like all dads: sometimes he gets angry, he comes home late or doesn't like it when they are noisy. Sometimes he’s stressed with work, or busy working from home. But despite his busy schedule working, he still finds time for his family - and Alice and Theo love him for it! He plays, laughs, and knows how to share time with his family. Is he a perfect dad? No, it's much better than that! See heartfelt yet realistic scenes from this Alice and Theo’s family - who share the stresses but also the joys of modern family life.

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‎Alice and Theo's dad is like all dads: sometimes he gets angry, he comes home late or doesn't like it when they are noisy. Sometimes he’s stressed with work, or busy working from home. But despite his busy schedule working, he still finds time for his family - and Alice and Theo love him for it! He plays, laughs, and knows how to share time with his family. Is he a perfect dad? No, it's much better than that! See heartfelt yet realistic scenes from this Alice and Theo’s family - who share the stresses but also the joys of modern family life.

‎Alice and Theo's dad is like all dads: sometimes he gets angry, he comes home late or doesn't like it when they are noisy. Sometimes he’s stressed with work, or busy working from home. But despite his busy schedule working, he still finds time for his family - and Alice and Theo love him for it! He plays, laughs, and knows how to share time with his family. Is he a perfect dad? No, it's much better than that! See heartfelt yet realistic scenes from this Alice and Theo’s family - who share the stresses but also the joys of modern family life.


  • Author: Elise Raucy

  • Illustrator: Estelle Meens

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None (last checked 10/06/2022)

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 282 x 250 x 8 mm

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