Mr Broccoli's Salon 《西兰花先生的理发店》


A book about haircuts, and trying new things!

Mr. Broccoli is known and trusted far and wide for his hairdressing skills. He can handle all different types of hair, from all different shapes and sizes of vegetables! He’s truly an expert! However, Little Eggplant is worried about his hair. No one has ever been able to cut an eggplant’s hair… People always say, “It’s impossible!” When Little Eggplant sits down in the chair to have his hair cut, Mr Broccoli must learn a new way of cutting hair. He thinks long and hard. What kind of hairstyle should we give Little Eggplant?

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A book about haircuts, and trying new things!

Mr. Broccoli is known and trusted far and wide for his hairdressing skills. He can handle all different types of hair, from all different shapes and sizes of vegetables! He’s truly an expert! However, Little Eggplant is worried about his hair. No one has ever been able to cut an eggplant’s hair… People always say, “It’s impossible!” When Little Eggplant sits down in the chair to have his hair cut, Mr Broccoli must learn a new way of cutting hair. He thinks long and hard. What kind of hairstyle should we give Little Eggplant?

A book about haircuts, and trying new things!

Mr. Broccoli is known and trusted far and wide for his hairdressing skills. He can handle all different types of hair, from all different shapes and sizes of vegetables! He’s truly an expert! However, Little Eggplant is worried about his hair. No one has ever been able to cut an eggplant’s hair… People always say, “It’s impossible!” When Little Eggplant sits down in the chair to have his hair cut, Mr Broccoli must learn a new way of cutting hair. He thinks long and hard. What kind of hairstyle should we give Little Eggplant?


  • Author and Illustrator: Fukuda Junko

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Reading Pen Compatability: None (a few of the pages are incompatible)

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 265 x 203 x 8 mm

  • Pages: 32

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