Spot the Dog Series (Set of 18)《小玻系列 - 1套18册》


Spot the Dog bounds to your library - but this time he’s in Simplified Chinese and English! These bilingual books follow Spot as he discovers how to count, a beautiful butterfly while out on a walk and what it’s like to go to school! There are so many things to see and learn with Spot!

  • Author: Eric Hill

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, English, bilingual (side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (global Luka)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544826792

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Spot the Dog bounds to your library - but this time he’s in Simplified Chinese and English! These bilingual books follow Spot as he discovers how to count, a beautiful butterfly while out on a walk and what it’s like to go to school! There are so many things to see and learn with Spot!

  • Author: Eric Hill

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, English, bilingual (side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (global Luka)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544826792

Spot the Dog bounds to your library - but this time he’s in Simplified Chinese and English! These bilingual books follow Spot as he discovers how to count, a beautiful butterfly while out on a walk and what it’s like to go to school! There are so many things to see and learn with Spot!

  • Author: Eric Hill

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, English, bilingual (side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (global Luka)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544826792

Book Descriptions

  1. Where’s Spot? 《小玻在哪里》: Time for dinner! But where did Spot go?

  2. Spot Goes To The Farm 《小玻去农场》: Spot is off to see a farm! There, he meets lots of new friends.

  3. Spot Goes To The Park 《小玻去公园》: The weather’s nice and it’s time to spend time outdoors… Let’s go to the park with Spot!

  4. Spot Goes On Holiday 《小玻去度假》: Wow! Look at all the fun things Spot does while you’re on holiday!

  5. Spot Makes A Birthday Cake 《小玻给爸爸烤生日蛋糕》: It’s Dad’s birthday and Spot wants to do something special… like bake a cake!

  6. Spot Goes To A Fancy-Dress Party 《小玻参加化装误会》: Spot’s been invited to a special party. Let’s see what he’ll wear!

  7. Spots’s Little Sister 《小玻的小妹妹》: Spot’s a big brother now! Time to meet his little sister.

  8. Spot Goes To School 《小玻去上学》: What happens at school? Let’s follow Spot to find out.

  9. Where Are The Easter Eggs? 《夏活节彩蛋在哪里?》: Spot’s on the hunt for Easter eggs! Let’s help him find some!

  10. Spot Has A Sleepover 《小玻在朋友家过夜》: Sleepovers can be very exciting! What will Spot and his friend do together on their sleepover?

  11. Who’s There, Spot? 《谁在那儿,小玻?》: Spot’s looking about… Who’s over there? How about over here?

  12. Spot’s First Christmas 《小玻的第一个圣诞节》: It’s the most wonderful time of year! Let’s celebrate with Spot!

  13. Spot Can Count 《小玻会数数了》: Spot’s learning how to count all sorts of things!

  14. Goodnight, Spot 《小玻说晚安》: What do you do before you go to bed? This is what Spot does!

  15. Spot’s Birthday 《小玻过生日》: Spot’s celebrating his birthday today! What special things will happen on this special day?

  16. Spot Goes On A Walk 《小玻去散步》: Spot loves going on walks because you can see all sorts of things!

  17. Spot At The Circus 《小玻去马戏团》: Circuses are fun and exciting! What will Spot see and do in the circus?

  18. Spot Visits Grandpa And Grandma 《小玻去看外公外婆》: Spot loves seeing his grandparents! They’re ever so nice!

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