Grace Said... Series (Set of 3)《Grace 情商培养系列 - 1套3册》

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Let’s learn to say patience, perseverance and focus with Grace! Children need to learn about emotional intelligence, too! Important for helping them learn about their world, themselves and the people around them, emotional intelligence and helping develop their values will show them ways to be respectful and understanding of others!

  • Author: Eric Liao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (except Grace Said Perseverance)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 12193768

  • Pages: ~ 40 pages per book

  • Size: 247 x 238 x 30mm

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Let’s learn to say patience, perseverance and focus with Grace! Children need to learn about emotional intelligence, too! Important for helping them learn about their world, themselves and the people around them, emotional intelligence and helping develop their values will show them ways to be respectful and understanding of others!

  • Author: Eric Liao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (except Grace Said Perseverance)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 12193768

  • Pages: ~ 40 pages per book

  • Size: 247 x 238 x 30mm

Let’s learn to say patience, perseverance and focus with Grace! Children need to learn about emotional intelligence, too! Important for helping them learn about their world, themselves and the people around them, emotional intelligence and helping develop their values will show them ways to be respectful and understanding of others!

  • Author: Eric Liao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (except Grace Said Perseverance)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 12193768

  • Pages: ~ 40 pages per book

  • Size: 247 x 238 x 30mm

Grace Said Focus《Grace说专心》: Climbing stairs, playing with toys, playing in the playground: all these things need focus! Let’s learn to say ‘Focus!’ with Grace.

Grace Said Patience《Grace说耐心》: Learning to wait is important! Patience is required in everyday things like: queueing in a line, getting your hair cut, giving way to others. Learn to say ‘patience’ with Grace!

Grace Said Perseverance《Grace说恒心》: Nothing comes easy… Learning an instrument, doing homework, playing sport. Learn to say 'perseverance’ with Grace! You can do it!

Please note! Luka Hero can read all in the set except Grace Said Perseverance《Grace说恒心》.

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