The Twelve Zodiacs Pop-Up Edition 《十二生肖立体剧场书 - 全2册》


A long time ago, there was no way to tell the years apart. So the Jade Emperor wanted to create a system that meant each year could be distinct! But what should he call each year? To help him decide the names of each year, he held the Great Race! Creatures from all over the world flocked to the start line to take part in this history-changing race… and only the most skilled 12 would be able to claim glory and become known as zodiac animals! Do you know who the they are? This pop-up book combines exciting storytelling with gorgeous illustration inspired by Chinese paintings for a must-read during the Lunar New Year!

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A long time ago, there was no way to tell the years apart. So the Jade Emperor wanted to create a system that meant each year could be distinct! But what should he call each year? To help him decide the names of each year, he held the Great Race! Creatures from all over the world flocked to the start line to take part in this history-changing race… and only the most skilled 12 would be able to claim glory and become known as zodiac animals! Do you know who the they are? This pop-up book combines exciting storytelling with gorgeous illustration inspired by Chinese paintings for a must-read during the Lunar New Year!

A long time ago, there was no way to tell the years apart. So the Jade Emperor wanted to create a system that meant each year could be distinct! But what should he call each year? To help him decide the names of each year, he held the Great Race! Creatures from all over the world flocked to the start line to take part in this history-changing race… and only the most skilled 12 would be able to claim glory and become known as zodiac animals! Do you know who the they are? This pop-up book combines exciting storytelling with gorgeous illustration inspired by Chinese paintings for a must-read during the Lunar New Year!


  • Language: Simplified Chinese only

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Pop-up book

  • Size: 253 x 193 x 40 mm (whole set)

  • Pages: 24 (whole set)

  • ISBN: 9787533779511

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