Goodbye Forest 《再见小树林》


A story about how we can make cities green again.

In the middle of a bustling city, a little boy called Xiao Lu finds a forest — his very own nature playground. Here, there are animals, insects, plants, flowers and many wild and wonderful things. It’s a green paradise full of life and imagination. However, in only one night, the paradise is cleared out… Only dust and tree stumps remain. Xiao Lu is forced to say goodbye to his favourite playground. The little foerst is gone, and tall buildings have appeared instead. But in the middle of destruction, we can still make things beautiful again.

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A story about how we can make cities green again.

In the middle of a bustling city, a little boy called Xiao Lu finds a forest — his very own nature playground. Here, there are animals, insects, plants, flowers and many wild and wonderful things. It’s a green paradise full of life and imagination. However, in only one night, the paradise is cleared out… Only dust and tree stumps remain. Xiao Lu is forced to say goodbye to his favourite playground. The little foerst is gone, and tall buildings have appeared instead. But in the middle of destruction, we can still make things beautiful again.

A story about how we can make cities green again.

In the middle of a bustling city, a little boy called Xiao Lu finds a forest — his very own nature playground. Here, there are animals, insects, plants, flowers and many wild and wonderful things. It’s a green paradise full of life and imagination. However, in only one night, the paradise is cleared out… Only dust and tree stumps remain. Xiao Lu is forced to say goodbye to his favourite playground. The little foerst is gone, and tall buildings have appeared instead. But in the middle of destruction, we can still make things beautiful again.


  • Author: Lady Yan

  • Illustrator: Zhang You Ran

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Reading Pen Compatability: Alpha Egg, Youdao

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 261 x 252 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 32

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