Searching for a New Home 《美丽的地球》


84 penguins used to live happily on their iceberg… until there was no more ice left for them to waddle on! Left with no other choice, they swim into the ocean in search for a beautiful new home. As they swim, they dream of the places they hear about: luscious open fields, stunning sealife! Will the world be as lovely as they hoped? This charming story will help even young children begin discussing the impact of climate change!

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84 penguins used to live happily on their iceberg… until there was no more ice left for them to waddle on! Left with no other choice, they swim into the ocean in search for a beautiful new home. As they swim, they dream of the places they hear about: luscious open fields, stunning sealife! Will the world be as lovely as they hoped? This charming story will help even young children begin discussing the impact of climate change!

84 penguins used to live happily on their iceberg… until there was no more ice left for them to waddle on! Left with no other choice, they swim into the ocean in search for a beautiful new home. As they swim, they dream of the places they hear about: luscious open fields, stunning sealife! Will the world be as lovely as they hoped? This charming story will help even young children begin discussing the impact of climate change!


  • Author and Illustrator: Satoe Tone

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 200 x 150 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 32

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