Who Says Women Can't Be Doctors? 《谁说女性不能当医生?》


The story of Elizabeth Blackwell, told with bold and vibrant illustrations in Chinese!

In the 1830s, when a brave and curious girl named Elizabeth Blackwell was growing up, women were supposed to be wives and mothers. Some women could be teachers or seamstresses, but career options were few. Certainly no women were doctors.

But Elizabeth refused to accept the common beliefs that women weren't smart enough to be doctors, or that they were too weak for such hard work. And she would not take no for an answer. Although she faced much opposition, she worked hard and finally--when she graduated from medical school and went on to have a brilliant career — proved her detractors wrong. This inspiring story shows how one strong-willed woman opened the doors for many other the female doctors to come.

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The story of Elizabeth Blackwell, told with bold and vibrant illustrations in Chinese!

In the 1830s, when a brave and curious girl named Elizabeth Blackwell was growing up, women were supposed to be wives and mothers. Some women could be teachers or seamstresses, but career options were few. Certainly no women were doctors.

But Elizabeth refused to accept the common beliefs that women weren't smart enough to be doctors, or that they were too weak for such hard work. And she would not take no for an answer. Although she faced much opposition, she worked hard and finally--when she graduated from medical school and went on to have a brilliant career — proved her detractors wrong. This inspiring story shows how one strong-willed woman opened the doors for many other the female doctors to come.

The story of Elizabeth Blackwell, told with bold and vibrant illustrations in Chinese!

In the 1830s, when a brave and curious girl named Elizabeth Blackwell was growing up, women were supposed to be wives and mothers. Some women could be teachers or seamstresses, but career options were few. Certainly no women were doctors.

But Elizabeth refused to accept the common beliefs that women weren't smart enough to be doctors, or that they were too weak for such hard work. And she would not take no for an answer. Although she faced much opposition, she worked hard and finally--when she graduated from medical school and went on to have a brilliant career — proved her detractors wrong. This inspiring story shows how one strong-willed woman opened the doors for many other the female doctors to come.


  • Author: Tanya Lee Stone

  • Illustrator: Marjorie Priceman

  • Language: Simplified Chinese

  • Pinyin: No

  • Reading Pen Compatability: Alpha Egg and Youdao

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 287 x 222 x 10 mm

  • Pages: 40

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