Tu Youyou and the Magic Herb 《神奇的小草》


A picture book biography telling us the story of Tu Youyou, the Nobel Prize winning malariologist and pharmaceutical chemist — told in Chinese.

A curious ltitle girl happened to meet an old Chinese medicine doctor who was collecting medicinal herbs. What seemed to be an ordinary looking weed in his basket actually has myriad uses and little Tu Youyou is entranced by the stories of the herb saving people and curing diseases. Since that moment, she was deeply engrossed in the world of herbal medicine. As she grew older, the little girl became more and more proficient and gained more knowledge. But she also saw more and more people in need, suffering from seemingly incurable diseases. Through her hardwork, and the help of a little herb called mugwort, Tu Youyou would eventually find a way to treat those suffering with deadly malaria!

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A picture book biography telling us the story of Tu Youyou, the Nobel Prize winning malariologist and pharmaceutical chemist — told in Chinese.

A curious ltitle girl happened to meet an old Chinese medicine doctor who was collecting medicinal herbs. What seemed to be an ordinary looking weed in his basket actually has myriad uses and little Tu Youyou is entranced by the stories of the herb saving people and curing diseases. Since that moment, she was deeply engrossed in the world of herbal medicine. As she grew older, the little girl became more and more proficient and gained more knowledge. But she also saw more and more people in need, suffering from seemingly incurable diseases. Through her hardwork, and the help of a little herb called mugwort, Tu Youyou would eventually find a way to treat those suffering with deadly malaria!

A picture book biography telling us the story of Tu Youyou, the Nobel Prize winning malariologist and pharmaceutical chemist — told in Chinese.

A curious ltitle girl happened to meet an old Chinese medicine doctor who was collecting medicinal herbs. What seemed to be an ordinary looking weed in his basket actually has myriad uses and little Tu Youyou is entranced by the stories of the herb saving people and curing diseases. Since that moment, she was deeply engrossed in the world of herbal medicine. As she grew older, the little girl became more and more proficient and gained more knowledge. But she also saw more and more people in need, suffering from seemingly incurable diseases. Through her hardwork, and the help of a little herb called mugwort, Tu Youyou would eventually find a way to treat those suffering with deadly malaria!


  • Author: Xu Lu (徐鲁)

  • Illustrator: Alice Corbini

  • Language: Simplified Chinese

  • Pinyin: No

  • Reading Pen Compatability: Alpha Egg and Youdao

  • Luka Compatibility: No

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 271 x 220 x 8 mm

  • Pages: 40

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