What is Peace? 《和平是什么?》


How do you answer children when they ask you, “What is peace?” How would you describe the feeling and experience of being at peace? In a world full of conflict and bad news, lets explore what peace means and why it’s so important for us to make peace. In an easy-to-understand and easy-to-read book, children will se what peace looks like (or, could look like) in their lives.

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How do you answer children when they ask you, “What is peace?” How would you describe the feeling and experience of being at peace? In a world full of conflict and bad news, lets explore what peace means and why it’s so important for us to make peace. In an easy-to-understand and easy-to-read book, children will se what peace looks like (or, could look like) in their lives.

How do you answer children when they ask you, “What is peace?” How would you describe the feeling and experience of being at peace? In a world full of conflict and bad news, lets explore what peace means and why it’s so important for us to make peace. In an easy-to-understand and easy-to-read book, children will se what peace looks like (or, could look like) in their lives.


  • Author: Keiko Hamada

  • Language: Simplified Chinese only

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 222 x 207 x 8mm

  • Pages: 36

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