The Lamb and the Butterfly《小羊和蝴蝶》


Eric Carle and Arnold Sundgaard's classic tale is now available in a Mandarin Chinese translation! One day, a Lamb and a Butterfly meet in a meadow. The Lamb, cautious and dependent upon her mother, is curious about the Butterfly's independent way of life. Meanwhile, the free-spirited Butterfly doesn't understand the sense of security that the Lamb needs from her mother. When an unexpected storm injures the Butterfly, the Lamb and her mother care for her, nursing her back to health. Once she's better, the Butterfly must resume her journey, flying away from the meadow. As the Lamb and the Butterfly try to understand each other's perspective, we learn an important lesson about recognizing and respecting differences between ourselves and others.

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Eric Carle and Arnold Sundgaard's classic tale is now available in a Mandarin Chinese translation! One day, a Lamb and a Butterfly meet in a meadow. The Lamb, cautious and dependent upon her mother, is curious about the Butterfly's independent way of life. Meanwhile, the free-spirited Butterfly doesn't understand the sense of security that the Lamb needs from her mother. When an unexpected storm injures the Butterfly, the Lamb and her mother care for her, nursing her back to health. Once she's better, the Butterfly must resume her journey, flying away from the meadow. As the Lamb and the Butterfly try to understand each other's perspective, we learn an important lesson about recognizing and respecting differences between ourselves and others.

Eric Carle and Arnold Sundgaard's classic tale is now available in a Mandarin Chinese translation! One day, a Lamb and a Butterfly meet in a meadow. The Lamb, cautious and dependent upon her mother, is curious about the Butterfly's independent way of life. Meanwhile, the free-spirited Butterfly doesn't understand the sense of security that the Lamb needs from her mother. When an unexpected storm injures the Butterfly, the Lamb and her mother care for her, nursing her back to health. Once she's better, the Butterfly must resume her journey, flying away from the meadow. As the Lamb and the Butterfly try to understand each other's perspective, we learn an important lesson about recognizing and respecting differences between ourselves and others.


  • Authors: Arnold Sundgaard, Eric Carle

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Luka only

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787533263119

  • Pages: 25

  • Size: 290 x 210 x 9mm

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