Chirp the Chick Grows Up Volume 2 (Set of 3) 《小鸡球球成长系列第一辑 - 1套3册》


Lots of things are happening while Chirp the Chick is still growing up! And a lot of these things are really exciting: like celebrating birthdays with loved ones, getting a new family member, and watching the first snow fall! Why not follow Chirp the Chick and learn while he learns? Grow with Chirp through engaging little stories, cute illustrations and fun interactive pop-ups and lift-the-flaps.

  • Author: Iriyama Satoshi

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • ISBN: 26488700

  • Pages: approx. 28 per book

  • Size: 190 x 148 x 15mm

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Lots of things are happening while Chirp the Chick is still growing up! And a lot of these things are really exciting: like celebrating birthdays with loved ones, getting a new family member, and watching the first snow fall! Why not follow Chirp the Chick and learn while he learns? Grow with Chirp through engaging little stories, cute illustrations and fun interactive pop-ups and lift-the-flaps.

  • Author: Iriyama Satoshi

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • ISBN: 26488700

  • Pages: approx. 28 per book

  • Size: 190 x 148 x 15mm

Lots of things are happening while Chirp the Chick is still growing up! And a lot of these things are really exciting: like celebrating birthdays with loved ones, getting a new family member, and watching the first snow fall! Why not follow Chirp the Chick and learn while he learns? Grow with Chirp through engaging little stories, cute illustrations and fun interactive pop-ups and lift-the-flaps.

  • Author: Iriyama Satoshi

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • ISBN: 26488700

  • Pages: approx. 28 per book

  • Size: 190 x 148 x 15mm

Book Descriptions

  • Chirp’s Little Sister 《小鸡球球当哥哥了》: Spring comes and so do the little chicks! Our little Chirp won’t be so little anymore - especially with a littler sister to look after! But looking after your siblings can be difficult when they run off as you’re not looking…

  • Chirp’s Snowy Day 《小鸡球球的下雪天》: A soft blanket of snow falls in Chirp’s world one day and the world looks so different now! Join Chirp as he discovers the fun to be had in the snow!

  • Happy Birthday, Chirp! 《小鸡球球,生日快乐》: Chirp’s a year older now and that means it’s time to celebrate his birthday! I wonder who will come and celebrate with him? What fun they shall have!

Like Chirp the Chick? Click here to see Volume 1!

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