Mi Xiao Quan's School Diary Series《米小圈上学记系列 - 1-4年纪》

from £18.99

Little Mi Quan is full of life and character and kids will enjoy reading about his daily adventures at school, home and with friends! A characterful protagonist deserves a characterful series so this series is written like a journal. Noting down the events of the day and his feelings, the book is presented with playful little illustrations and a fun layout. This is a great series for children who are more advanced in their Chinese fluency and are moving forward to school education!

  • Author: 北猫 Bei Mao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: Yes (Set 1 and 2) and No (Set 3 and 4)

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (8 of 12 books)

  • Type: Paperback

  • Size: 210 x 170 x 35mm (per set)

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Little Mi Quan is full of life and character and kids will enjoy reading about his daily adventures at school, home and with friends! A characterful protagonist deserves a characterful series so this series is written like a journal. Noting down the events of the day and his feelings, the book is presented with playful little illustrations and a fun layout. This is a great series for children who are more advanced in their Chinese fluency and are moving forward to school education!

  • Author: 北猫 Bei Mao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: Yes (Set 1 and 2) and No (Set 3 and 4)

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (8 of 12 books)

  • Type: Paperback

  • Size: 210 x 170 x 35mm (per set)

Little Mi Quan is full of life and character and kids will enjoy reading about his daily adventures at school, home and with friends! A characterful protagonist deserves a characterful series so this series is written like a journal. Noting down the events of the day and his feelings, the book is presented with playful little illustrations and a fun layout. This is a great series for children who are more advanced in their Chinese fluency and are moving forward to school education!

  • Author: 北猫 Bei Mao

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: Yes (Set 1 and 2) and No (Set 3 and 4)

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero (8 of 12 books)

  • Type: Paperback

  • Size: 210 x 170 x 35mm (per set)

Set Contents

Year 1 Set (with pinyin): My Family And Me*《瞧这一家人》, Going To Primary School《我是小学生》, Best Friends Forever《好朋友铁头》, A Dog Called Mouse*《耗子的条狗》

Year 2 Set (with pinyin): The Classmate I Sit Next To《新同桌的烦恼》, If I Had A Time Machine《如果我有时光机》, Buckets of Fun《一箩筐的快乐》, Nature’s Secret《大自然小秘密》

Year 3 Set (no pinyin): Two Peas In A Pod《小顽皮和老顽童》, You Can Do It, Football Champ!《加油!足球小将》, My Sidekick《我有一个跟屁虫》, Comedic King《搞笑大王来啦》

Year 4 Set (no pinyin): Another Classmate I Sit Next To《我的同桌卧底》, To Me, From Me*《来自未来的我》, Meet Mister Mao《遇见毛先生》, Our Class Genius*《班里有个小神童》

*not Luka compatible

So This Is A Year! Series (Set of 12)《原来这就是二十四节气 - 1套12册》
Blessings Every Day《圣经日日学》
You Are Mine《你是我的孩子》
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The Way I Feel Series (Set of 8)《我的感觉双语系列 - 1套8册》
Selected Three Hundred Tang Poems 《唐诗三百首》
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