Maisy Mouse - Early Readers Series (Set of 7) 《小鼠波波低幼系列 - 1套7册》


Lucy Cousins’ classic Maisy Mouse character comes to your bookshelf now in Simplified Chinese! These bright and bold books take a little peek into the life of Maisy and help children learn more about simple everyday tasks and jobs. From shopping to parts of the daily routine like bathing and sleeping, this cute little set introduces everyday life in a colourful and easy-to-grasp way! Read with short sentences and simple vocabulary written so to suit a young child’s language development.

  • Author: Lucy Cousins

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (not EU version)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787512200401

  • Size: 210 x 210 x 60mm (full set)

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Lucy Cousins’ classic Maisy Mouse character comes to your bookshelf now in Simplified Chinese! These bright and bold books take a little peek into the life of Maisy and help children learn more about simple everyday tasks and jobs. From shopping to parts of the daily routine like bathing and sleeping, this cute little set introduces everyday life in a colourful and easy-to-grasp way! Read with short sentences and simple vocabulary written so to suit a young child’s language development.

  • Author: Lucy Cousins

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (not EU version)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787512200401

  • Size: 210 x 210 x 60mm (full set)

Lucy Cousins’ classic Maisy Mouse character comes to your bookshelf now in Simplified Chinese! These bright and bold books take a little peek into the life of Maisy and help children learn more about simple everyday tasks and jobs. From shopping to parts of the daily routine like bathing and sleeping, this cute little set introduces everyday life in a colourful and easy-to-grasp way! Read with short sentences and simple vocabulary written so to suit a young child’s language development.

  • Author: Lucy Cousins

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version (not EU version)

  • Type: Hardback

  • ISBN: 9787512200401

  • Size: 210 x 210 x 60mm (full set)

What’s inside?

  • Maisy’s Bathtime 《波波要洗澡》: Bath time can be super exciting! Let’s see what fun things Maisy gets up to!

  • Good Night, Maisy 《波波要睡觉》: Time to go bed… What does Maisy do when she needs to sleep?

  • Maisy Cleans Up 《波波做大扫除》: Oh dear! It’s not good when everything’s a big mess… Time to do some cleaning up with Maisy!

  • Maisy Goes Shopping 《波波去购物》: Maisy’s visiting a friend but there’s nothing to eat for lunch! Let’s go shopping for food!

  • Maisy’s Funfair 《波波去游乐园》: Do you like going to the funfair? Let’s go with Maisy and see what she likes about it!

  • Doctor Maisy 《伯伯当医生》: Maisy helps her friend when he’s sick but who will help Maisy when she needs help?

  • Maisy’s Morning On The Farm 《波波在农场》: There’s lots to do when you’re on the farm! Let’s help Maisy do her morning chores!

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