Little Tinkers' Playground Series (Set of 7)《小巧手游戏绘本 - 1套7册》


This collection of stories is a charming set of books for little children who love to explore and tinker about that also comes with a free paper map game! Follow our little tinkers as they discover their world, build train tracks, play with wooden blocks and more. Discover beautiful scenery as you sweep across the countryside in a tractor or over a river in a train, or even across some paper on a crayon!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: 2 out of 7 books are Luka compatible (last checked 31st Jan 2021)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787519113803

  • Size: 240 x 230 x 37mm (per set)

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This collection of stories is a charming set of books for little children who love to explore and tinker about that also comes with a free paper map game! Follow our little tinkers as they discover their world, build train tracks, play with wooden blocks and more. Discover beautiful scenery as you sweep across the countryside in a tractor or over a river in a train, or even across some paper on a crayon!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: 2 out of 7 books are Luka compatible (last checked 31st Jan 2021)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787519113803

  • Size: 240 x 230 x 37mm (per set)

This collection of stories is a charming set of books for little children who love to explore and tinker about that also comes with a free paper map game! Follow our little tinkers as they discover their world, build train tracks, play with wooden blocks and more. Discover beautiful scenery as you sweep across the countryside in a tractor or over a river in a train, or even across some paper on a crayon!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: 2 out of 7 books are Luka compatible (last checked 31st Jan 2021)

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787519113803

  • Size: 240 x 230 x 37mm (per set)

Book Descriptions

  • The Train’s Coming《火车头开过来》: It’s a beautiful train and it’s going places! Time to make sure it gets there nice and safe. Let’s read as our little tinkers lay the track and follow it!

  • Full Steam Ahead 《火车火车朝前开》: After laying tracks together, the train can run on them and take the children where they want to go, over the river, around the hills - anywhere!

  • Plonk! Building Blocks 《咚咚!搭积木》: You’ve got some blocks but what to make…? There’s only one thing to do! Just experiment and build - you never know what you’ll end up with!

  • Rocket Crayons《火箭小蜡笔》: If they can imagine, then they can draw with their crayons. And they can play games and have lots of fun doing it.

  • Railway Trackers 《铁轨铁轨连起来》: Trains need to go above-ground, underground, on the ground, along the sea… Sometimes they need to switch tracks, too!

  • Little Master Chef 《超级小厨师》: We can make delicious food! Peel the apples, cut the banana, boil the eggs, and…! If you are the cook, what will you make?

  • Go, Rescue Team! 《前进,救援队!》: People work with different sized shoveling equipment everyday: to plant a tree in the park, install water pipes in the ground, prevent mudslides... There are different machines for different jobs!

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