The Best Gift in the World 《世界上最棒的礼物》


Something very special is happening in Angel Town!

This town is the home of many wonderful animals. 1 giraffe, 2 hippos, 3 brown bears, 4 tigers, 5 goats… and many more! Each of the animals are carrying a gift that they’ve chosen; some are long, some are round, some smell nice! But no matter what kind of gift they have, nothing can beat the best gift in the world! What do you think is the best gift?

This engaging and lighthearted book is full of bright illustrations and fun storytelling. Children will learn descriptive words, counting from 1 to 10, colours and animals. But most of all, they’ll learn that the best kind of gift is love!

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Something very special is happening in Angel Town!

This town is the home of many wonderful animals. 1 giraffe, 2 hippos, 3 brown bears, 4 tigers, 5 goats… and many more! Each of the animals are carrying a gift that they’ve chosen; some are long, some are round, some smell nice! But no matter what kind of gift they have, nothing can beat the best gift in the world! What do you think is the best gift?

This engaging and lighthearted book is full of bright illustrations and fun storytelling. Children will learn descriptive words, counting from 1 to 10, colours and animals. But most of all, they’ll learn that the best kind of gift is love!

Something very special is happening in Angel Town!

This town is the home of many wonderful animals. 1 giraffe, 2 hippos, 3 brown bears, 4 tigers, 5 goats… and many more! Each of the animals are carrying a gift that they’ve chosen; some are long, some are round, some smell nice! But no matter what kind of gift they have, nothing can beat the best gift in the world! What do you think is the best gift?

This engaging and lighthearted book is full of bright illustrations and fun storytelling. Children will learn descriptive words, counting from 1 to 10, colours and animals. But most of all, they’ll learn that the best kind of gift is love!


  • Author and Illustrator: La Ma (赖马)

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (Monolingual)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Reading Pen Compatability:

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 268 x 258 x 9 mm

  • Pages:

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