Thank You, Mum And Dad Series (Set of 2) 《谢谢爸爸妈妈系列 - 1套2册》


Mums and dads so, so much for us! Sometimes they spend time reading with us and other times they hold us when we feel down. Whether they’re working hard and juggling home with work life or making us laugh with their silly antics, there’s always something to thank our mums and dads for! This book brings little letters of love to the wonderful mums and dads in the world!

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Mums and dads so, so much for us! Sometimes they spend time reading with us and other times they hold us when we feel down. Whether they’re working hard and juggling home with work life or making us laugh with their silly antics, there’s always something to thank our mums and dads for! This book brings little letters of love to the wonderful mums and dads in the world!

Mums and dads so, so much for us! Sometimes they spend time reading with us and other times they hold us when we feel down. Whether they’re working hard and juggling home with work life or making us laugh with their silly antics, there’s always something to thank our mums and dads for! This book brings little letters of love to the wonderful mums and dads in the world!

What’s ‘Wonky’?

  • ‘Wonky - Very Good’: This set has slightly bumped corners on both books. There are no other defects.


  • Author: Elisabeth Brami

  • Illustrator: Adèle Garceau

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None (last checked 09/07/2021)

  • Type: Hardback

  • Size: 170 x 170 x 23 mm

  • Pages: 96 per book

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