Splash And See Noah's Ark 《神奇水繪聖經 - 挪亞方舟》


When Noah started building his ark, there was no water! Where will all the water come from? Bath time, of course! Watch as the white-out illustrations come to life when you dip them in water. What kinds of colourful and interesting animals will you find on the ark? This sweet little book brings a little fun to your bath-time and your Bible stories!

“On that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” - Genesis 7:11

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When Noah started building his ark, there was no water! Where will all the water come from? Bath time, of course! Watch as the white-out illustrations come to life when you dip them in water. What kinds of colourful and interesting animals will you find on the ark? This sweet little book brings a little fun to your bath-time and your Bible stories!

“On that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” - Genesis 7:11

When Noah started building his ark, there was no water! Where will all the water come from? Bath time, of course! Watch as the white-out illustrations come to life when you dip them in water. What kinds of colourful and interesting animals will you find on the ark? This sweet little book brings a little fun to your bath-time and your Bible stories!

“On that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” - Genesis 7:11


  • Language: Traditional Chinese & English, bilingual (side-by-side)

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Toy Book

  • ISBN: 9789888469789

  • Size: 188 x 160 x 30 mm

  • Pages: 6

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