Little Lamb Graded Learning 《小羊上山儿童汉语分级读物》

from £24.99

“We want to help children happily master a mountain of books just like an adept little lamb can climb a mountain.” (“帮助小朋友们像善于登山的小羊一样轻松愉悦地掌握自主阅读,攀登书山“。)

Time to say goodbye to textbooks… Learn Mandarin with a fun series of graded readers! Each graded level brings you 10 books for children to learn to read independently. There are short activities included at the back of each book and also a full character list. With each level, you’ll be adding more characters to your vocabulary! These are a great way to encourage young children to build their confidence and their Chinese reading skills.

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“We want to help children happily master a mountain of books just like an adept little lamb can climb a mountain.” (“帮助小朋友们像善于登山的小羊一样轻松愉悦地掌握自主阅读,攀登书山“。)

Time to say goodbye to textbooks… Learn Mandarin with a fun series of graded readers! Each graded level brings you 10 books for children to learn to read independently. There are short activities included at the back of each book and also a full character list. With each level, you’ll be adding more characters to your vocabulary! These are a great way to encourage young children to build their confidence and their Chinese reading skills.

“We want to help children happily master a mountain of books just like an adept little lamb can climb a mountain.” (“帮助小朋友们像善于登山的小羊一样轻松愉悦地掌握自主阅读,攀登书山“。)

Time to say goodbye to textbooks… Learn Mandarin with a fun series of graded readers! Each graded level brings you 10 books for children to learn to read independently. There are short activities included at the back of each book and also a full character list. With each level, you’ll be adding more characters to your vocabulary! These are a great way to encourage young children to build their confidence and their Chinese reading skills.

Little Lamb Graded Learning Progression


  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Luka Compatibility: Global Version only

  • Type: Paperback with sleeve

  • Size: 215 x 210 mm

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