Car Doodle Series (Set of 10)《汽车嘟嘟嘟系列 - 1套10册》


It’s always fun to learn about all the vehicles we see in our world! Everything has a function and discovering those functions is just a fun part of living life. Kids will enjoy this excellent set of Simplified Chinese books that are designed to help them explore what they know about their world. Starting from trucks, fire engines, police cars and more!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544862684

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It’s always fun to learn about all the vehicles we see in our world! Everything has a function and discovering those functions is just a fun part of living life. Kids will enjoy this excellent set of Simplified Chinese books that are designed to help them explore what they know about their world. Starting from trucks, fire engines, police cars and more!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544862684

It’s always fun to learn about all the vehicles we see in our world! Everything has a function and discovering those functions is just a fun part of living life. Kids will enjoy this excellent set of Simplified Chinese books that are designed to help them explore what they know about their world. Starting from trucks, fire engines, police cars and more!

  • Author: Fumiko Takeshita

  • Luka Compatibility: Luka Hero

  • Language: Simplified Chinese, monolingual

  • Pinyin: No

  • Type: Paperback

  • ISBN: 9787544862684

Book Descriptions

  • Thank You, Delivery Van! 《谢谢你!快递车》: What happens when you send off a parcel through the express service… A lot of hard work, that’s what! Watch this treasured box of apples fly through the countryside, through sorting centres, and into the city.

  • Ding Dong! Goes The Bus 《叮咚!公共汽车》: Everyone on the bus has a trip they have to make, and the bus helps them make it! Public transport is very important for our communities, let’s see how everyone uses it!

  • Off We Go! To The Seaside 《出发!坐车去海边》: How do you get to the seaside? Well… one way to go is by bus! Sometimes the journey is just as exciting as the destination! With every bus stop, there’s a new scene to enjoy and new things to see.

  • Ker-chunk! Goes The Excavator 《咔嚓!挖掘机》: A big excavator can be very tricky to manoeuvre… Let’s see the experts do it! Dig, dig, dig! What are we digging for, I wonder?

  • Whoosh! Here Comes The Train 《呜!火车来啦》: Trains are cool! They come in all shapes and sizes, they go at all different speeds, and are used for all kinds of purposes! The train’s arriving: everywhere! In the mountains, in the city, during rush hour… Where will we go next?

  • You Can Do It, Police Car!《加油!警车》: The police are very important members of society and they have a very important job to do. So, of course, they should have a special car with special features. Like a siren that lets others know about an emergency!

  • Looks Like Hard Work, Garbage Truck! 《辛苦了!垃圾车》: It’s very tough work, having to collect rubbish every day! There are the normal bags of rubbish; there are the big pieces of furniture that people need to get rid of… And after that, it’s off to the collection centre!

  • Quickly, Let’s Build Together!《快来! 一起盖房子》: How are houses built? Time to find out! There are lots and lots of different stages of building and lots of vehicles and people involved… but with every day the house comes together and a happy family moves in!

  • Join Us! Let’s Pave The Roads! 《来!大家一起修马路》: A lot of work goes into paving the roads! You need to cordon of the section, dig up the existing road, lay the layer and press the tarmac on top. But after all that hard work, you get a lovely road that everyone can use!

  • Hurry! Hurry! Ambulance! 《快快快!救护车》: Emergency: someone’s hurt themselves! Emergency: someone needs to go to the hospital! Sometimes you need the ambulance van, and sometimes you need the ambulance helicopter. Every emergency has a solution!

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