A Mystical Moon Guest 《从月亮来的神秘客》


One day, Yang Xiaoyi was walking home from school when he realised he was being followed! In a fretful panic, Xiaoyi picks up the pace, walking a faster and faster until… CRASH! He trips on the pavement and falls over. His mysterious stalker was in fact just a cute rabbit! For Xiaoyi, it was love at first sight and he wanted to take it home. After debating with himself for a long time, he decides to give up the idea but the rabbit continues to follow him all the way to his house — even standing guard at the gate when he went indoors. Little did he know, this rabbit was no ordinary rabbit! It came all the way from the moon to the earth for one mission.

Perfect for ages 7–10. This book also comes with a vocabulary and phrase booklet for new and difficult vocabulary that appears in the book!

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One day, Yang Xiaoyi was walking home from school when he realised he was being followed! In a fretful panic, Xiaoyi picks up the pace, walking a faster and faster until… CRASH! He trips on the pavement and falls over. His mysterious stalker was in fact just a cute rabbit! For Xiaoyi, it was love at first sight and he wanted to take it home. After debating with himself for a long time, he decides to give up the idea but the rabbit continues to follow him all the way to his house — even standing guard at the gate when he went indoors. Little did he know, this rabbit was no ordinary rabbit! It came all the way from the moon to the earth for one mission.

Perfect for ages 7–10. This book also comes with a vocabulary and phrase booklet for new and difficult vocabulary that appears in the book!

One day, Yang Xiaoyi was walking home from school when he realised he was being followed! In a fretful panic, Xiaoyi picks up the pace, walking a faster and faster until… CRASH! He trips on the pavement and falls over. His mysterious stalker was in fact just a cute rabbit! For Xiaoyi, it was love at first sight and he wanted to take it home. After debating with himself for a long time, he decides to give up the idea but the rabbit continues to follow him all the way to his house — even standing guard at the gate when he went indoors. Little did he know, this rabbit was no ordinary rabbit! It came all the way from the moon to the earth for one mission.

Perfect for ages 7–10. This book also comes with a vocabulary and phrase booklet for new and difficult vocabulary that appears in the book!


  • Author: 方肯 Fang Ken

  • Language: Simplified Chinese (Monolingual)

  • Pinyin: A little (difficult vocabulary or new phrases)

  • Reading Pen Compatability: Alpha Egg and Youdao

  • Luka Compatibility: None

  • Type: Paperback

  • Size: 200 x 155 x 7 mm

  • Pages: 106

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