Things to do with: Apple 苹果

Looking at the wrong tree…

Looking at the wrong tree…

We’re really lucky to have a garden full of apple trees - five of them, to be exact! Why do we have five apple trees? Well, we’re not too sure ourselves (but it’s a bit of a shame we don’t make cider out of it all, though!). In any case, it’s always about this time of year when we start cranking out our apple recipes so today’s was a simple brute-force-wins-the-day one: apple juice!

We’ve got a fancy machine for that. Although you might think that it’s an odd investment, you might understand why when we start giving away apples by the box at the end of the season… Needless to say, there are plenty of other ways you can press apples without it!

What I love the most about the apple trees this year is that it keeps my daughter occupied while the other little one is having his nap. She’s fallen out of the napping stage, which means we’ve found other ways of keeping her from screaming the house down and her brother up! Apple picking is one of my personal favourites. She gets tired and we get apples!

Apart from her love of ladders and her obsession with them being perfectly shaped and without any worms (extra protein, we like to tell her, and character building?), you already know from our previous post that she has a love for making food and drink for people. She was pretty chuffed with what we did!

Whenever she does something, we encourage her to talk about it in the language that we speak - Mandarin to the Ongs and English to her father. Sometimes, like this particular time, she won’t necessarily narrate anything (perhaps because it is her first time doing it) so we ask her lots and lots of questions and engage her. We even describe what we’re doing. Getting her involved in an environment where she is applying her understanding of words and language while communicating with others in that language is best for consolidating her language skills.

We hope to continue sharing things like this with you! If you’re interested, you can follow us on our social media links to stay updated with new posts.

How do you get your children engaged with the different languages they have to learn? I’m intrigued, actually, if you’re raising trilingual children, do they learn all of them at once and how?

Leave a comment because I’d love to have a chat! Till soon!


The cherry on top - 樱桃


I’m De best!