Kid used Rain Dance! 下雨了 It wasn’t very effective…

My daughter told Delicia she couldn’t find any clouds today.

My daughter told Delicia she couldn’t find any clouds today.

If you haven’t realised it yet, it’s pretty darn hot in the UK today! As I’m writing this, it’s currently reached 35 degrees outside and I’ve got the fan on, my computer’s trying not to melt and my phone almost burned up when I was taking photos today. All in all: I really can’t stay, baby it’s hot outside.

So before I chuck my daughter onto a slip-and-slide to cool her off (I might end up joining her later!), we’re uploading this quick post to show you what we did last week when it was also peaking at 36 degrees here!

If you can’t find the raincloud, you make some rain!


One of the books that my daughter can read by herself is also from the Le Le Chinese set and it’s about a rainy day (雨天). To get her interested in the words, I used chalk to get her to recreate her own rainy day when we probably need it most. It’s a perfect little activity because it’s outdoors, requires little effort on your part and it kept my daughter talking to herself for ages! All you need to do is help them write the Chinese words on the floor 下雨了 and get her to sprinkle water over it - preferably with a watering can, because then they can clean up after themselves, too!

So on a hot day, all you need to do is write a few words and get your children to do the rest.

What have you been doing on the first day of the UK heatwave? Do you enjoy heat? Show us pictures and tell us what activities you’ve all been up to! Children can learn from anything and it’s important to give them the environment to let them enjoy and explore languages! We’d love to hear from you!

And if you’re wondering about the Pokémon reference in the title… That’s Delicia’s idea. (If you know my sister well enough, you might not find that very surprising! Haha!)


“Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of…!” 谁的脚印?


Magnetic Piggy Bank